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The study has started at the green camp  ''climate Ambassadors"

The study has started at the green camp ''climate Ambassadors"

The EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia has started the study of "Climate Ambassadors" in the Green Camp. The Green Camp was opened by Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and Nick Beresford, UNDP Resident Representative in Georgia, and they discussed the importance of involving young people in environmental activities.

"Environmental education is critical to dealing with climate-driven disaster problems." The Georgian government is taking active steps to introduce relevant curricula in schools and disseminate information on climate-driven disasters, "Solomon Pavliashvili said. "Young climate ambassadors do not only get technical knowledge. They are learning to build a network of collaboration and activism, preparing to take a leading place in society. Each of us can do a lot to reduce our personal carbon footprint. However, not only will these steps stop climate change.
The steps being taken by the government play a crucial role in this regard. Beresford said, "We want our climate ambassadors to become adult activists, influencers, voters, and leaders in the future and to achieve the change that will save our planet."

The camp will give young people the opportunity to raise awareness of environmental issues and implement projects at the local level once they are completed. The camp program includes important environmental issues and team activities. Participants will work with field specialists on environmental topics of interest to them. Within the framework of the program, a field trip is planned to observe geological threats.

The young volunteers and eco-leaders participating in the camp represent 12 municipalities of Georgia: Akhmeta, Gardabani, Gori, Gurjaani, Zugdidi, Tbilisi, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Senaki, Sighnaghi, Kobuleti, and Khobi. 26 young people with an average age of 15 were selected on the basis of a contest to participate in the camp.

The Green Camp "Climate Ambassadors" is organised by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia within the framework of the UNDP large-scale program "Climate-Driven Disaster Risk Reduction in Georgia," which serves to protect the population of Georgia from climate-driven disasters and is implemented with the support of the governments of Georgia, Sweden, and Switzerland.


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