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The "Environmental Manager" training program is now complete

The "Environmental Manager" training program is now complete

At the Georgian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture's EIEC, the training program "Environmental Manager" has been completed. 14 environmental managers received training during the course, and with the knowledge they have gained, they will be able to create, update, and carry out the company's waste management strategy.

The training program covers all the responsibilities of the private sector in the field of waste management and includes both theoretical and practical parts to facilitate the reporting of waste in the electronic system.

The training program is open to all interested parties and candidates recommended by legal bodies.

The program, which is conducted by subject-matter experts with extensive expertise, enables businesses to hire a specialist who has been taught in compliance with legal and contemporary norms.

According to the Waste Management Code, companies that generate more than 200 tons of non-hazardous waste, more than 1000 tons of inert waste, or any amount of hazardous waste per year have an obligation to have a person responsible for waste management—an environmental manager.

A total of 532 environmental managers have been trained under the program. Most of them are employed in the position of environmental manager.

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