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Another working meeting was held with the representatives of enterprises

Another working meeting was held with the representatives of enterprises

Another working meeting was held with representatives of enterprises in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

At the meeting, the issues of the obligation to perform continuous instrumental self-monitoring of the release of harmful substances from stationary sources of pollution and the requirements for registration in the electronic system were discussed.

At the meeting, Deputy Ministers Nino Thandilashvili and Kakha Kakabadze, as well as Deputy Head of Environmental Supervision Department Neli Korkotadze, Majority Deputy of Rustavi Irakli Shatakishvili, Mayor of Rustavi Nino Latsabidze, and Director of the EIEC Tamar Aladashvili, attended. The meeting was organised by the EIEC.

At the meeting with the company's representatives, we once again explained in detail how the obligations should be fulfilled. Also, we discussed at what stage each enterprise is in the mentioned direction, which is most important in order for the Ministry to observe how the enterprises fulfill the requirements of the air defense legislation.

Each enterprise was given the opportunity to present a detailed plan schedule, on the basis of which they would fulfil the new obligations. "In case of non-fulfillment of the obligations in the established terms, the Ministry will take measures provided for by the law," said the Deputy Minister, Nino Thandilashvili.

According to the explanation by the mayor of Rustavi, Nino Latsabidze, the control of the emission of harmful substances is especially important for Rustavi, where the issue of improving the quality of ambient air is still present.

According to the legislative changes carried out at the initiative of the Ministry, business entities subject to environmental decisions are obliged to register in the electronic system and conduct continuous self-monitoring. In the event of failure to fulfill the obligation, the enterprises will have to pay a fine.

It is important to note that the companies have already started solving the problems that have existed for ten years by installing self-monitoring systems and registering in the electronic system according to the planned schedule.

"Regarding the fulfillment of our obligations, we had a meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. It should be noted that we have already installed measuring devices in all three enterprises in Poti, Rustavi, and Kaspi. Currently, calibration is underway to determine accurate data and transfer the information to the Ministry, "said Giorgi Chaladze, Environmental Protection Manager of Heidelbergcement Georgia" LLC.


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