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Studies on "climate ambassadors" in the green camp are now complete

Studies on "climate ambassadors" in the green camp are now complete

The "Climate Ambassadors" green camp organised by the EIEC of the Georgian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is already over. Young people received certificates from Tamar Aladashvili, director of the EIEC.

"Raising the environmental awareness of the next generation and involving young people in environmental activities is very important to us. Such activities contribute to the dissemination of information about climate change, the introduction of sustainable development goals, and the strengthening of local municipalities through the implementation of various initiatives, "said Tamar Aladashvili.
Young people get the chance to promote environmental issues and carry out local projects through Green Camp. Participants collaborated with field experts for eight days on environmental issues they were interested in, such as biodiversity, climate change, forest resource management, and community-based disaster risk reduction.

The climate ambassadors visited the automatic meteorological station located in Bakuriani district and received information about what parameters it measures, for what purpose the received information is used, and how important the presence of similar types of observations is in meteorology. Also, information was heard on the activities of the Hydrometeorology Department; current and planned activities; and observation systems used for weather forecasting and early warning were discussed in detail.

Volunteers and eco leaders participating in the camp represented 11 municipalities of Georgia: Akhmeta, Gardabani, Gori, Gurjaani, Zugdidi, Tbilisi, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Senaki, Kobuleti, and Khobi.

The Green Camp "Climate Ambassadors" was held by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia within the framework of the large-scale initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) "Reducing the Risk of Climate-Driven Disasters in Georgia", which serves to protect the population of Georgia from disasters caused by climate change. It is implemented with the support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the governments of Georgia, Sweden, and Switzerland.


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