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The training was held for the certified technicians of the refrigerant and air conditioning sectors

The training was held for the certified technicians of the refrigerant and air conditioning sectors

The training was held for the refrigerant and air conditioning certified technicians sector, organised by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture.

The training included both theoretical and practical training and covered important topics such as the national regulatory and legislative framework for ozone-depleting substances, alternative technologies, energy efficiency measures, and safe handling of equipment.

It is very important for us to promote the professional growth of technicians because the reduction of emissions of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere depends on their qualifications.

‘’In order to popularise the field of refrigerant equipment and the air conditioning sector, it is necessary to enhance the skills of certified technicians and make them aware of the innovations used in this sector’’ Said Tamar Aladashvili Directori of the EIEC.

The training was held within the framework of the "Action Program for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Georgia" of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The "Action Program for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Georgia" has been implemented since 2009 and promotes the implementation of obligations under the Montreal Protocol, in particular, the removal or reduction of the use of ozone-depleting substances.

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