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"Environmental impact assessment guide for the hydropower sector of Georgia" regarding the project

"Environmental impact assessment guide for the hydropower sector of Georgia" regarding the project

With the financial support of the European Union, the project "European Union for the Environment" (EU4Environment) is underway. The project's aim is to help the six countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) with the development of a green economy, the rational use of natural resources, the negative impact on the environment, and matters of reducing environmental risks.

 For the purpose of effective implementation of environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment tools, priority directions were determined by the Ministry in 2018, including the development of a sectoral manual for environmental impact assessment of hydroelectric power plant projects. The mentioned manual will help the implementers of activities, planning bodies, and consulting companies in the preparation of documentation; the interested public—in receiving information about the procedures, and the agency—in the decision-making process.

Please send your written comments and opinions regarding the draught of the mentioned manual to the National Agency for the Environment of the State Environmental Protection Agency by August 14, 2022. To the mail address: 

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