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The Georgian draft law "On Industrial Emissions" was discussed with representatives of the non-governmental sector

The Georgian draft law "On Industrial Emissions" was discussed with representatives of the non-governmental sector

At the meeting conducted in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia with representatives of the non-governmental sector, the Georgian draft law "On Industrial Emissions" and the obligations envisaged by the draft were discussed.

According to the draft law, a new integrated permit system will be introduced in the country, the purpose of which is to prevent, reduce, and control emissions into the air, water, and soil as a result of industrial activities. The project also provides for the prevention of waste generation. The new draft law aims to fulfil the obligations envisaged in the association agreement and obliges large industrial enterprises to ensure the introduction of modern technologies in order to reduce environmental pollution.

Workshops related to the legislation of Georgia "On Industrial Emissions" have already been held with the representatives of the companies working in the industrial sector, where they discussed the obligations arising from the draft law.

The submission of the bill to the Parliament of Georgia is planned for the autumn session.

The meeting with representatives of the non-governmental sector on the legislation of Georgia "On Industrial Emissions" was organised by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

Public hearings