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The long term concept project of law emission development

The long term concept project of law emission development

On Jun 7,2017 ‘’the Paris Agreement’’ of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, officially entered into force for Georgia. The mentioned agreement is considered to be the beginning of a new stage in global climate change policy,the main goal of which is to significantly reduce  risks of climate driven disasters and their negative impacts of on economic sectors by limiting  the increase in global average temperature to 2 °C  or by trying to limit it to an additional 1.5 °C.

The ‘’Paris Agreement’’ calls on countries to develop long-term strategies for long emission development. In accordance with ‘’Paris Agreement’’ Georgia has developed a draft long term concept for law emission development. The concept defines the range of estimated national emissions and removal rates and establishes the vision for the year, which is based on projections on green-hause gas emitting and absorbing sectors.

Written comments and opinions regarding the long term concept of law emission development in Georgia, are  scheduled until September 12 of this year.

Please send your feedback to the email address provided.;   

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