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The people responsible for purchases employed in the state agencies were trained

The people responsible for purchases employed in the state agencies were trained

Training on "Green Procurement Issues in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector" was provided to procurement managers employed by state agencies.

The participants got acquainted with the requirements to be considered in the process of procurement of refrigeration equipment and air conditioning and with the Georgian legislation regulating the said sector.

The purpose of the training "Green Procurement Issues in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector"is to promote awareness of the innovations implemented in the fields of ozone-depleting substances and air conditioning and to fulfil  international obligations in the field of environmental protection.

The training was organised by the EIEC under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia within the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) "Institutional strengthening for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Georgia (XI phase)".

Green procurement significantly contributes to the promotion of ecologically friendly products and environmental protection.

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