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Studies on "climate ambassadors" in the green camp are now complete

Studies on "climate ambassadors" in the green camp are now complete

The "Climate Ambassadors" green camp, organised by the EIEC under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia was successfully completed by 32 young people.

Certificates were presented to camp attendees by Ekaterine Bendeliani, the deputy director of the EIEC.

The days of the camp were filled with raising awareness among young people about topics related to environmental protection and climate change, enhancing teamwork skills among participants, planning an environmental advocacy campaign, and using non-formal education approaches. "Green Camp - Climate Ambassadors is a unity of highly motivated and educated young people.

I am sure that the interests of the young climate ambassadors will be related to environmental protection and will be initiators of positive changes. Educated and motivated youth have the ability to change the environment for the better. Ekaterine Bendeliani.

The camp gives the young people the opportunity to raise an awareness regarding environmental topics and after its completion to implement projects at the local level.

The participants worked together with specialists in the field on environmental topics of interest to them for 10 days, including forest resource management; biodiversity; ambient air quality; climate change; disaster risk reduction; community-based disaster risk management; geological hazards specific to Georgia; and the activities of the Hydrometeorology Department.

Based on the contest, 32 young people from all over the country were selected to take part in the camp. Their average age is 16 years old.

The Green Camp "Climate Ambassadors" was organised by the EIEC under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia within the large-scale initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) "Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia", which serves to protect the population of Georgia from climate-driven disasters and It is implemented with the support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the governments of Georgia, Sweden and Switzerland.


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