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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

Adapted for people with disabilities


Congratulations on the beginning of a new school year to both students and teachers!

Congratulations on the beginning of a new school year to both students and teachers!

Congratulations on the beginning of a new school year to both students and teachers! We express our congratulations in particular to the first graders who came to school eager to learn and explore new experiences. 

We wish all students more interesting lessons about nature, because nature is a book that is always open to all eyes.

Teachers please encourage your students to love and care more about their environment so that they will understand its importance and have the knowledge to protect it. Keep in mind that environmental education is crucial to accomplishing the global objectives that are necessary for both for our future and for future generations.

The EIEC cares for the promotion of environmental and agrarian education and will continue to carry out programs including training, camps, competitions, talks, seminars, and the development of fresh and engaging instructional materials this year.

Remember you are important to us! We wish you a successful and productive academic year in a better environment.

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