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The vocational training and retraining programs

The vocational training and retraining programs

Three vocational training and retraining programs of the EIEC under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia- ‘’forest inventory and taxation’’  ‘’Environmental Manager’’ ‘’Climate Smart Planning of Agricultural Activities’’  received the right to be implemented.

The Entitlement Board granted the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Center for the Development of Education Quality, the right to adopt the center to implement these programs. The purpose of the vocational training program ‘’Forest Taxation and Inventory’’  is to train forest appraisers   ( forester-appraiser) who will be able to carry out forest inventory fieldwork.

The purpose of the environmental manager course is to prepare personnel as environmental managers in accordance with the requirements imposed by the waste management code. The program's aim is"climate-smart planning of agricultural activities.  " After completion of the program, the participants will be able to introduce climate-smart agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices to the priority areas of selected agricultural activities by determining the main characteristics of agro ecological zones, taking into account soil-climatic conditions and climate change promotion.

After the successful completion, the participants will be awarded certificates recognized by the state.

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