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Contest for schools - ‘’learn in a safe environment’’

Contest for schools - ‘’learn in a safe environment’’

EIEC announces a grant contest for general educational institutions - ‘’Learn in a safe environment’’.

The contest is announced within the program of  ‘’reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia’’, financed by the Government of Georgia, the Green Climate Fund and the governments of Sweden and Switzerland and implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP). The contest's aim is to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the environment  caused by climate change at the local level,increase the awareness and knowledge of natural hazard disasters and strengthen community resilience with the maximum involvement of stakeholders. The contest is held within the program ‘’Reducing the Risk of Climate-Driven Disasters in Georgia’’ that is currently being implemented in 10 vulnerable municipalities.

The contest rules:

* The contest is open to schools from 10 targeted municipalities (Gori, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Akhmeta, Sighnaghi, Samtredia, Abasha, Khobi, Senak, Kobuleti)  The submitted project must be related to one of the 7 natural hazards provided by the program (flood, hail, mudslide, landslide, drought, strong wind, avalanche)that is a challenge for both the municipality and the community.

* Within the framework of the contest, public educational institutions taking part in the contest must present a project proposal that, after program implementation, will ensure the strengthening of the school's resilience in relation to disasters caused by natural hazards and must ensure the local community's involvement.

* The project proposal must include the activity/activities that will be implemented with the monetary amount of the award provided by the contest(the budget must also reflect those activities that do not require financial resources). The term of implementation of project activities should not exceed 1 year.

Project evaluation criteria:

• The project includes a component of promoting education and raising awareness about natural hazards and disasters for the school community and the local population (20%).

• The project provides linkages between stakeholders (e.g., between schools and municipalities, or between schools and community-based organizations); (20%)

• Out of the seven natural disasters specified in the program, the submitted project is related to at least one challenge for the municipality; (15%)

• The project outlines the disaster risk management preparedness component (15%).

• The project explains how the stages of disaster risk management are related to one another; (for example, if the readiness stage involves the purchase of certain technical equipment, it is necessary to include the component of its use and training, so that in the response moment the target group will have the equipment and know how to use it.) (10%)

•  The project considers the involvement of stakeholders, including at least one of the vulnerable groups (children, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities, representatives of ethnic minorities, and internally displaced persons) (5%).

•  The project includes long-term and short-term activities; (5%)

• The project promotes gender equality and addresses gender-related issues; (5%)

• The project includes a vulnerability component and addresses the needs of specific vulnerable groups (children, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and internally displaced persons) in the context of climate-driven disasters in Georgia.

The contest will be held in 2 stages: 

Stage 1 - selecting applications

Stage 2 -the presentation of a project proposal

A special commission will select two finalists according to the results of both stages. The winning school will receive $1,200, and the runner-up will receive $800.

The project application must be submitted by the school principal.

In order to take part in the contest, please fill out the application form electronically (in WORD format).

Contest projects can be sent to the following e-mail address: Contact us at

By October 25, 2022, participants must submit a project application working version that  includes a description of the problem, project goals, and results.

The deadline for applications is November 21, 2022.

The additional information you can receive regarding the EIEC is from Tamar Shervashidze, project coordinator (e-mail:, mobile: 595958825).

Detailed information about the program, application form, and other necessary information can be found in the attached files.

Appendix 1 Contest Application Form

Appendix 2 Budget Form

Annex 3 Brief information about the project

Appendix 4 Terminology 



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