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The "Niko Ketskhoveli School Prize 2022" winners have been revealed

The "Niko Ketskhoveli School Prize 2022" winners have been revealed

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Solomon Pavliashvili, opened the final meeting of the Niko Ketskhoveli School Award.

This year's contest theme of the Niko Ketskhoveli School Prize is the green economy. Educated and motivated young people have the ability to change the environment, social situation, or attitudes towards a number of issues for the better. The Ministry is actively working on the implementation of a number of changes in the field of environmental protection, including the green economy model. "It is vital to reduce the pressure on resources and enhance the usage of renewable resources."

The Niko Ketskhoveli School Prize for 2022 was awarded to Abkhazia's public school number 10. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia selected Zugdidi public school number 4. The eco club speakers will serve as ministers of agriculture and environmental protection for a single day.

Within the framework of the contest, the EIEC identified the winner of the "Green Award" teacher-Nona Toklikishvili, from Dedoplistskaro #2 public schools. Also, Anita Lazishvili from Alambri Public School was nominated for a special nomination for "Eco-Speaker of the Year."

Eshtia Public School became the chosen one by the National Forestry Agency. The agency handed over a telescope to the Eshtia School Eco Club.

The representatives of the 32 school eco clubs of Georgia taking part in the final meeting presented to the jury and invited guests the important environmental and social activities they have implemented in their cities and villages during the year.

The Niko Ketskhoveli School Prize is a contest of eco-clubs and the main aim is to raise the awareness of schoolchildren about the goals of sustainable development. In 2022, more than 400 schools participated in the contest.

The Niko Ketskhoveli School Award is implemented by the Caucasus Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Network (CENN), within the project "Sustainable Forest Management for Rural Development," with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation. The co-organizers of the contest are the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Parliament of Georgia.

The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Makharashvili, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria,Thomas Mühlmann,  Head of the Austrian Development Cooperation Coordination Office, Alexander Karner, Permanent Coordinator of the United Nations in Georgia, Sabine Makhli; and Executive Director of CENN, Nana Janashia.

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