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The contest  winners for "Sustainable management of the forest around me" were awarded

The contest winners for "Sustainable management of the forest around me" were awarded

The essay authors, the winners of the contest ‘’sustainable management of the forest around me," were awarded by Tamar Aladashvili, the director of the EIEC.

The first student from Dedoplistskaro to attend a public school, Mariam Khochiashvili, is the winner. A student from the Ganmukhuri public school took second place, while Maia Alaverdashvili of the Nichbisi public school in the Mtskheta Municipality and Dato Beraia of the Gela Chedia public school in the Martvili Municipality village Lecikhvaia shared third place place.

Winners received book vouchers.

The contest aim is to raise awareness of students in the field of forest sustainable management the challenges and ways to solve them.

The students had to introduce  the contest essays about the ways of reducing forest pressure, about proper use of woody and non-timber forest resources, alternative fuels and  the obligations of society to protect forests. Essays were evaluated by a specially created committee according to predetermined criteria.

The award ceremony was held within the Forester Day, that is celebrated  on the 10 october every year.

EIEC has announced an essay contest within the framework of the forest sector reform support project ‘’ ECO Georgia’’ for students interested in forest protection and sustainable management. The aim of the project is to reduce pressure on forests and forest loss in Georgia through sustainable forest management and conservation.

The project is co-funded by Green Climate Fund ( GCF) Georgian Government, by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).  The project is implemented by the German International Society (GIZ) and The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia with the involvement of subordinate agencies of the Ministry.

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