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The winners of the media contest "Together to Protect the Ozone Layer" were awarded

The winners of the media contest "Together to Protect the Ozone Layer" were awarded

Three environmental journalists were revealed as a result of the contest. The winners are Nana Samadashvili, Nino Giorgobiani, and Gela Mmulashvili. The articles were published on Georgian media platforms, and each winner was given a 1,500-lari voucher to purchase energy-efficient household items and appliances.

Articles and blogs presented by journalists describe the situation related to the ozone layer, the importance of implementing appropriate policies, and the contribution of individual behaviour by each person to a healthy environment.

The winners were awarded by Tamar Aladashvili, director of the EIEC, Noe Megrelishvili, head of the ambient air division of the environment and climate change department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and Nick Beresford, Resident  Representative of UNDP in Georgia.

"I am glad to welcome journalists who cover environmental issues. The Montreal Protocol is an example of what is possible when governments, scientists, businesses, and the media come together to implement environmental agreements. "As soon as people realised that the ozone layer is in serious danger, the countries of the world began to take coordinated action to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances,"  said Nick Beresford, the permanent representative of UNDP in Georgia.

"The media contest showed that environmental journalism is successfully developing in Georgia." "In-depth coverage of current environmental issues is necessary for the success of such key activities as protecting the ozone layer, reducing plastic pollution, and mitigating climate change," said Tamar Aladashvili.

The contest was organised by the Ambient Air Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the EIEC and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

A program that aims to implement the Montreal Protocol in Georgia and eliminate harmful ozone-depleting compounds from consumption is being carried out in collaboration with UNDP and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.


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