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Community-based disaster risk management training

Community-based disaster risk management training

Training on community-based disaster risk management was conducted for representatives of the project target municipalities: Telavi, Akhmeta, Gori, Samtredia, Abasha, Khobi, Senaki, and Kobuleti, as well as community councils and community organisations.

Project experts and participants discussed disaster risk management, examined local risk reduction planning, discussed risks and the region's, municipality's, or community's history in the context of previous catastrophes, and built community risk management model plans. The participants were given certificates. 

The training was held by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture's Eiec as part of the Climate Driven Disaster Risk Reduction in Georgia program, which was funded by the Georgian government, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Swedish government. With the assistance of the United Nations Development Program, this project was completed (UNDP). 

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