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Vocational training and retraining programs for female convicts continue

Vocational training and retraining programs for female convicts continue

Convicts in the penitentiary #5 received training on bee care,breeding and the production of breeding products. Within the training course 33 convicts were introduced  to the primary processing of honey and food safety standards. 

Tamta Demurishvili, head of the Center for Professional Training and Retraining of Convicts, and Tamar Aladashvili, director of the EIEC, presented certificates to the prisoners following the completion of the training program.

The training course is being implemented from  2022 with the support of the Center for Vocational Training and Retraining of Convicts and the EIEC. Training on beekeeping will be held in the 14th institution after the 5th penitentiary institution.

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