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June 5 is World Environment Day!

June 5 is World Environment Day!

June 5 is World Environment Day. In 2021, the message of Environment Day will be "Protecting Biodiversity and Restoring Ecosystems". To talk about the importance of environmental issues, the director of the Eiec Tamar Aladashvili, met with VIII-X grade students from Tbilisi Georgian-American High School. Tamar Aladashvili spoke about the importance of biodiversity protection and ecosystem services.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia  is actively working on the creation and development of new protected areas that  will ensure the protection of our country's unique biodiversity and the development of ecotourism. Krtsanisi Forest Park is an important project of the Ministry, which aims to arrange a recreational space between the two densely populated urban centres with its educational component.

It will be a public space for recreation and environmental education in the nature of the community. Especially important is the reform of the forestry sector and sustainable forest management, which determines how to manage forests sustainably, which accounts for about 40% of the territory of our country. In order to raise environmental awareness, the process of introducing an educational program is underway, which envisages the introduction of environmental and agrarian education in the school space. The Ministry of Environmental Protection  and Agriculture of Georgia has developed new standards that will help to minimise air pollution from the industrial sector, and this will have a positive impact on improving air quality. One of the priorities of the Ministry is waste prevention, reuse, and recycling. 

The celebration of World Environment Day aims to raise public awareness of environmental challenges and their active involvement. On December 15, 1972, the UN General Assembly declared June 5 as World Environment Day, and since 1974, Environment Day has been celebrated all over the world, including in Georgia. 


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