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Collaboration in schools to improve environmental and agricultural education

Collaboration in schools to improve environmental and agricultural education

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia  and the National Centre for Teacher Professional Development of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The memorandum was signed by Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Eiec , and Berika Shukakidze, Director of the National Centre for Teacher Professional Development.

The memorandum envisages cooperation between the parties in strengthening environmental and agrarian education in schools by promoting the professional development of teachers. Under the Memorandum, the parties will work together to develop training modules on environmental and agrarian education and to provide training, teacher training, and access to resources to ensure that primary school teachers are properly informed about environmental and The textbook is designed for primary school teachers and covers important issues in both areas that are easily adapted for primary school students (grades I-VI).

Students will learn about sustainable development, how to consume natural resources wisely, how to protect biodiversity and the importance of living organisms in the environment, what they can do to protect air quality and sustainable use of water resources, and most importantly, natural disasters. In time, how to reduce waste with the right behaviour, why it is important to protect land resources, what land resources have to do with agriculture, and what food safety means. School teachers will start using this guide in schools from the next school year in stages.

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