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Training on the ecolabelling system was conducted in Georgia

Training on the ecolabelling system was conducted in Georgia

The training "Ecolabelling Mechanisms in Georgia" was organised by the Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The training module included information on the eco-labeling tool, its benefits, and the steps to be taken to implement it, as well as discussing the expected challenges in the process and responding to these challenges.

An ecolabelling is a mark that is recognized and used in practice as a mechanism for increasing sales to the point where it increases a company's competitive advantage in the market.More and more consumers are interested in products and services that meet environmental standards and requirements.

Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Eiec, spoke about the importance of the participation of stakeholders in the training and the people who will be involved in the implementation of the ecolabelling  system in the future, considering the importance of the ecolabelling tool and its introduction in Georgia.

The training was delivered by international expert Nils Heuer of the UNEP Economic Department and local specialist Ucha Dzimistarishvili, with the goal of creating knowledge about the idea of ecolabeling.

The participants of the training, who are representatives of public agencies and business associations, discussed the sharing of experience and the main challenges and opportunities for the development of ecolabelling systems in Georgia.

The meeting was organised by the Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection  and Agriculture of Georgia within the framework of the EU-funded project "EU4 Environment."

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