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Sustainable Public Procurement Workshop

Sustainable Public Procurement Workshop

The Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia,  held a consultative working meeting on the legal provisions of sustainable public procurement. At the workshop, participants were introduced to the essence of sustainable public procurement, the steps to be implemented and the draft legal provisions prepared in this direction.

Sustainable public procurement involves a balanced decision by government agencies on three pillars of sustainable development-economic, social, and environmental.

Alexander Daras, Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia, and Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Eiec, began the meeting. As Tamar Aladashvili pointed out, it was critical that the working meeting be attended by those who will be involved in the implementation and management of a sustainable public procurement system in the future.

The working meeting, which was held online, was conducted by Eriks Mezalis, international project expert, and Nato Beridze, national law expert.

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