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Informational meetings were held in the schools of Mtskheta municipality

Informational meetings were held in the schools of Mtskheta municipality

Organised by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), information meetings on "the introduction of sustainable and climate-friendly forest management principles" were held in the schools of Mtskheta municipality.

Meetings were held in the villages of Odzisi, Tserovani, and Mtskheta (N1 and N2) (N3 public schools). Young people got information on the introduction of principles of sustainable forest management and the value of forests, learned about the processes of founding eco-clubs, and planned green activities.

The animated manga "Forest is my friend" was discussed by the students. The manga emphasises the significance of positive interaction between people and the forest.

Public hearings