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The vocational program’’ Forest inventory and taxation" has begun

The vocational program’’ Forest inventory and taxation" has begun

In the vocational training programme "Forest Inventory and Taxation," the educational process has started. Within the programme, 17 young people are learning a deficient profession.

The aim of the programme is to train forest taxing specialists (forester-taxation), who will carry out field work of forest inventory and be able to take part in forest measurement and assessment work, the planning of forestry measures, and the preparation of forest management plans. The programme includes both theoretical and practical parts. These are working with cartographic materials; collecting data on quantitative and qualitative indicators of the forest in field conditions; analysis and camera processing; appointment of forestry measures; and creation of documentation, including preparation of the final inventory product, the forest management plan.

Studying on the program is free. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will receive a certificate and have the opportunity to be employed by the National Forestry Agency.

 "Forest Inventory and Taxation" is carried out by the EIEC in cooperation with the National Forestry Agency and with the support of the Professional Skills Agency
The programme was developed and authorised for implementation with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency within the project "Promotion of Education on Agricultural and Environmental Protection Issues in the Process of Promoting the Modernization of Professional Education Related to Agriculture in Georgia".

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