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Training of trainers has started to introduce environmental and agrarian education at schools

Training of trainers has started to introduce environmental and agrarian education at schools

The Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia  conducted a training of trainers to implement the textbook "Environmental and Agrarian Education in School."

The meeting was opened by Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Eiec, who emphasised the importance of preparing teachers for the implementation of the program, so that environmental and agrarian issues reflected in the textbooks are properly conveyed by primary school teachers.

The aim of the training is to enable trainers to train teachers according to the guidelines developed by the centre, thus facilitating the teaching of important environmental and agrarian issues at the elementary level. 

Teaching with this textbook in schools will start in stages from the next school year. 20,000 teachers across Georgia over the next 4 years will be able to fully integrate environmental and agrarian education, which means that in the future, 250,000 students will have the necessary knowledge and the right attitude towards the environment.

Students will learn what sustainable development is and how to contribute to it, how to consume natural resources wisely, how to protect biodiversity and the importance of living organisms in the environment, and what they can do to protect air quality and sustainable water use. Most importantly, they will learn how to respond to natural hazards, how to reduce waste with the right behaviour, why it is important to protect land resources, what land resources have to do with agriculture, and what food security means.

Most importantly, students will have a better understanding of their own role, opportunities, and responsibilities in environmental issues.

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