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The studies in the ecolider school of the Eiec, of the ministry of environmental protection and agriculture, have begun.

The training course was opened by Tamar Aladashvili, the Eiec director, and focused on the opportunity for participants in the Ecolider School to learn about the challenges in the field of the environment.

"Within the framework of the training program, you will have the opportunity to receive information on various topical and interesting environmental issues, engage in discussions, and listen to the opinions of interesting guests. "I am sure that the knowledge gained at the Ecolider School and the relations established here will be a very good basis to be actively involved not only in your community, but also in addressing the environmental challenges in the country and, most importantly, to disseminate environmental knowledge and information throughout Georgia," said Tamar Aladashvili.

An unprecedented number of pupils showed interest in attending the Ecolider School in 2021. In all, 752 children from around Georgia applied to participate in the program. Participants were chosen through a competition. To get to the school, the candidates had to go through two stages: application selection and an interview, which 50 applicants passed and allowed them to enter the Ecoliders' school. All of Georgia's regions are represented among the chosen candidates.

The lecture course will last for two months. Theoretical training and field trips will be implemented during the program. Every Tuesday and Friday, lectures will be given by invited guests and representatives of the Eiec.

Within the curriculum, students in grades IX-XII will study issues such as human environmental rights, the importance of waste management, biodiversity protection mechanisms, climate change and mitigation of natural hazards, and the importance of protected areas.

The School of Ecoliders is a curriculum developed by the Eiec that aims to teach environmental issues to the younger generation and raise their awareness in this area. The project was first implemented in 2016, and in 2020, the Eiec offered an updated program to the public, and 35 participants were selected, successfully completing the distance learning course. 

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