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The winners of the "Niko Ketskhoveli School Award" were  revealed on September

The winners of the "Niko Ketskhoveli School Award" were revealed on September

It is very important for the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture to have such mechanisms and activities that will help raise awareness and increase knowledge in environmental issues. It is gratifying to see the active participation of our younger generation in this process. The Niko Kentskhoveli School Competition is a good example of how to help young people develop the right attitude towards the environment. At the final event of the Niko Ketskhoveli School Award, Deputy Minister of Environment and Agriculture Yuri Nozadze said, "It is especially important that the number of participants in the contest is growing every year and more schools and eco-clubs are involved in various environmental and sociological activities," 

The finalists made presentations at the event about the activities they carried out in different cities and villages in Georgia in response to global challenges. Out of 31 finalists from the schools participating in the contest, the winner of the "Niko Ketskhoveli School Award '' became the public school in the village of Gvimriani.

The Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia was actively involved in the contest, setting several nominations. The director of the Eiec, Tamar Aladashvili, presented a "green award" to Nana Verulashvili, a teacher at Tbilisi Public School No. 51, for promoting environmental education. Shota Zviadadze, a student of Kitskhi public school, became the favourite "eco-speaker". 

The National Forest Agency has identified the winning eco-club. The award was given to the public school in the village of Dzveli Anagi.

The traditional prize of the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, "One Day as a Minister," was awarded to a student of Ninotsminda Public School # 1, Esail Igitian, who will spend one working day with the Minister of Environmental Protection  and Agriculture.

The school environmental contest "Niko Ketskhoveli School Award" has been held by CENN since 2015, with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation.

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