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The learning course in the green camp of ‘’Climate Ambassadors’’ has begun

The learning course in the green camp of ‘’Climate Ambassadors’’ has begun

The learning course started in the Climate Ambassadors' green camp with the organization of the EIEC of the Georgian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The Green Camp was opened by Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of The Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Nick Beresford, Permanent Representative of UNDP in Georgia, and Khatuna Zaldastanishvili, Head of Environmental Programs of the Embassy of Sweden.

The camp will give an opportunity to the young people to raise their awareness on environmental issues such as the sustainable management of forest resources and practical work: hydrological and geological threats, reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters, its main conception, and term; safety rules during disasters; Threat and vulnerability assessment; and risk determination.

For participation in the Green Camp, 50 youngsters whose average age is 15 years were selected based on the contest. The selected people represent countries several regions also the 13 targeted municipalities of the program ‘’reducing the climate-driven disasters in Georgia’’

The green camp ‘’Climate Ambassadors’’ is implemented by the EIEC within the program of reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia’’ funded by the Georgian Government, ‘‘The Green Climate Fund (GCF). The implementation of the program is ensured by the United Nations Development Program’’ (UNDP).

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