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The vocational program ‘’Forest Taxation and Inventory" has finished

The vocational program ‘’Forest Taxation and Inventory" has finished

12 young participants successfully finished the ‘’forest taxation and inventory retraining program. Tamar Aladashvili, the director of the EIEC, and Natia Iordanishvili, the deputy director of the National Forestry Agency, handed over the certificates to the graduates.

The learning course covered both theoretical and practical parts. The practical learning was conducted in the forests under the National Forestry Agency - in Mtskheta Municipality and Bakuriani. The participants got acquainted with the rules of field safety and with the timber inventory measuring usage rules, taking sample areas, forest inventory/timber measurement and determining the height index, forest taxation, filling in the tax card, determining the average tax rates using forestry materials, management level inventory (FMI), and National Forest Inventory (NFI) implementation rules.

The graduates of the program were employed by the National Forestry Agency and became involved in the national forest inventory process.

The program Forest Taxation and Inventory’’ was implemented by the EIEC in cooperation with the National Forestry Agency and with the support of the Vocational Skills Agency, the EU, and the UNDP program.

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