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The media training was held on analyzing the agricultural chain of value and the management of ambient air

The media training was held on analyzing the agricultural chain of value and the management of ambient air

The media training was held on analyzing the agricultural chain of value and the management of ambient air.

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Director Ekaterine Bendeliani.

The representatives of the village received information on the agricultural chain of value and the impact of internal and external factors., They got acquainted with the main links of the agricultural value chain, food safety issues, and the importance of professional education in the process of increasing productivity in the agricultural sector.

The primary causes of air pollution and its issues were explained to the attendees.

The meeting was organized by the EIEC within the project "Modernization of the Vocational Education System in Georgian Agriculture VET (Stage 3)."  The project is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Public hearings