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The public hearing on the adoption of the draft order on atmospheric air quality monitoring, agglomeration, and zone management

The public hearing on the adoption of the draft order on atmospheric air quality monitoring, agglomeration, and zone management

We would like to inform you that, in accordance with Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Law of Georgia on Atmospheric Air Protection, a draft order of the Minister of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia on the approval of atmospheric air quality monitoring and control zones and agglomerations has been developed.

The project was prepared in accordance with the air quality monitoring network development roadmap implemented by the Swedish International Development Agency's project Improving Air Quality Management Capacities in Georgia and includes the first outline of the redistribution of Georgian territory into zones and agglomerations proposed by a European expert.

The purpose of the draft order is to determine zones and agglomerations based on the results of the assessment of ambient air quality, the inventory of emissions of harmful substances into the ambient air, and geographical and meteorological parameters to improve the management system of ambient air quality.

It should be noted that the establishment of ambient air quality management zones and agglomerations is an obligation under the Georgia-EU Association Agreement.

We would like to inform you that on August 26, 2021, at 14:00, a public discussion of the draft order of the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia on the approval of air quality monitoring and control zones and agglomerations is planned, using the online platform Zoom.

You can use the link to attend the public hearing 

The document prepared by the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia for public comment and opinion was published on July 21, 2021. Comments and opinions were available through July 30, 2021, link:

See the order draft documents at the link provided.


Public hearings