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Earth Day with students

Earth Day with students

On April 22, the world celebrates Earth Hour. Since 1990, Earth Hour has been celebrated in Georgia. The Green Economy, Climate-smart agriculture, reducing plastic use, quality fuel, and many other state priority directions that will protect the environment from pollution. In order to discuss the environmental importance, Tamar Aladashvili, the director of Elec, and Khatia  Tsilosani, first deputy chairman of the committee on environment and natural resources of the parliament of Georgia met with IV grade students, Tbilisi public school No 186.

"It is very important to raise awareness in society regarding environmental protection issues. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered such interest and knowledge among students towards environmental issues, and I think raising environmental awareness and implementing new modern approaches in schools is the way that leads us to a better future in environmental terms. 

The day dedicated to earth's protection from negative impact, especially in a pandemic period, is gaining even more importance. We create our environment together and we all have equal responsibility for this environment, "said Khatia Tsilosani. 

"The main purpose of Earth Day is to raise environmental awareness, which is formed at an early age, and celebrating this day with students and their involvement in environmental activities is important. The main message for this year is, "Together, we can rebuild the earth." We talked to students about how to take care of our earth, said Tamar Aladashvili.

To mark Earth Day, students planted trees in the school yard after the meeting.

The Elec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia  has developed a program - "Environmental and Agrarian Education in Schools," which is a support guide for primary school teachers and covers important issues in both areas that are easily adapted for primary school students (I-IV)

Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 when the American public began to protest air pollution caused by inefficient vehicles and irresponsible industry.


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