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Within the framework of the Action Plan for Improving Atmospheric Air Quality, a meeting with representatives of Rustavi bus0inesses was organised

Within the framework of the Action Plan for Improving Atmospheric Air Quality, a meeting with representatives of Rustavi bus0inesses was organised

The Eiec  of the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture conducted an informative discussion with representatives of Rustavi-based businesses (online). 

Meeting in st. It was held within the framework of the action plan for improving the air quality in Rustavi. Representatives of the enterprises were informed about the new regulations and obligations related to the improvement of ambient air quality.

The Rustavi Atmospheric Air Quality Improvement Action Plan 2020–2022 "St. Approved" by the Georgian government to enhance air quality in Rustavi and the surrounding region, as well as to avoid and better control dangerous material emissions from the industrial sector.

The plan is in the process of being implemented. Almost all of the legal measures envisaged in the plan, aimed at better regulating industrial emissions, have been adopted. Simultaneously, planned steps for public transportation renewal and landscaping work were implemented.

Members of the civil movement "Gavigudet" also attended the conference.

Public hearings