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The Draft Law of Georgia on the ‘’Establishment and Management of the Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas’’

The Draft Law of Georgia on the ‘’Establishment and Management of the Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas’’

The Georgian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture has created a draft law on the ‘’Establishment and Management of Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas,’’ which envisions the establishment of new protected areas in Gori Municipality's Aten and Tedzami Gorges (Ateni and Tedzam Protected Landscape; Aten Reserve)

The bill is published for public information.

Comments and suggestions regarding the draft law can be submitted  July 6, 2021 inclusive  (e-mail:

Annex: Georgian Draft Law on the Establishment and Management of the Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas, as well as an Amendment to Georgia's Code of Administrative Offences

See the appendix:  additional information on the Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas.

The Bill "On Change to the  Code of Administrative Offences of  Georgia"

Additional materials on the Ateni and Tedzami Protected Areas 

Public hearings