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Environmental inspector supervision course

Environmental inspector supervision course

The Elec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture organised training for inspectors of the Kvemo Kartli Region Environmental Supervision Department.

The training, which was conducted within the framework of the Action Plan for Improvement of Atmospheric Air Quality in Rustavi (2020-2022), included issues, of new air protection regulations, monitoring of air quality in Rustavi, identification of problem pollutants, inspection procedures, and law enforcement, as well as law enforcement issues.

Tamar Aladashvili, the Elec Director, spoke about the need to strengthen the capacity of the staff of the Department of Environmental Supervision to improve the system of state supervision and control and the activities planned by the Centre in this direction. 

The training for the inspectors of the Department of Environmental Supervision was conducted by the representatives of the relevant agencies of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. 

Public hearings