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State registration of emissions of harmful substances into the ambient air

State registration of emissions of harmful substances into the ambient air

We would like to inform you that, in accordance with Article 38 of the Law of Georgia on Atmospheric Air Protection and the Approval of the Technical Regulation on Self-Monitoring and Reporting of Emissions from Stationary Pollution Sources, the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia maintains state registration of emissions of harmful substances into the ambient air from stationary sources of pollution.

State registration of emissions of harmful substances is carried out according to the forms of state registration of emissions of harmful substances, which are the subjects of activity. At the end of the reporting year 2020, until February 15, 2021, the electronic system ( -where the form is also available via video-instruction) must be completed and submitted for approval to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and in the case of stationary air pollution facilities located on the territory of Abkhazia and Adjara, to the relevant services of environment protection and natural resources of Abkhazia and Adjara). 

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the relevant services of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Autonomous Republics of Abkhazia and Adjara shall make a decision on the agreement on the state registration forms for the emission of harmful substances by March 15.

All stationary atmospheric air pollution objects shall be filled electronically by the State Register of Pollutant Emissions, except for the Decree No. 413 of the Government of Georgia dated December 31, 2013 No. 41 on the Approval of the Technical Regulation on Self-Monitoring and Reporting of Emissions from Stationary Sources of Pollution. Objects 

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