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Trainings on plant protection issues were held for the staff of the Information-Consultation Centres of the Department of Regional Relations of the Rural Development Agency

Trainings on plant protection issues were held for the staff of the Information-Consultation Centres of the Department of Regional Relations of the Rural Development Agency

Training on plant protection issues was organised by the Eiec  of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. Training on plant protection issues was conducted for the staff of the Information-Consultation Centers of the Department of Regional Relations of the Rural Development Agency. The training aims to increase the knowledge of the agency's employees, who advise farmers in the field of agriculture. The training organised by the Education Center were attended by 160 participants from 9 regions of the country.

Zura Khidesheli, Ludmila Tskhvedadze and Mariam Machavariani, experts from the Agricultural Research Centre, conducted training on plant protection. The trainers discussed in detail the methods of integrated plant protection and the regulations for the safe use of chemical and biological pesticides. Participants were informed about disease control of pests of nuts, potatoes, blueberries, citrus, wheat, vegetables, and vines.

The training, which took place from December 15 to December 25, was funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) project "Modernization of Vocational Education and Training Systems in Agriculture in Georgia (Phase 2)" and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Because of the epidemiological situation in the world, the training was held online.

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