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A public hearing on the Nationally Identified Contribution (NDC) and the 2030 Climate Change Strategy and 2021–2023 Action Plan (CSAP) documents was held

A public hearing on the Nationally Identified Contribution (NDC) and the 2030 Climate Change Strategy and 2021–2023 Action Plan (CSAP) documents was held

The Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia organised a public hearing on ‘’the Nationally Identified Contribution’’ (NDC) and the 2030 Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (CSAP) documents.

The meeting was opened by Nino Tkhilava, Head of the Department of Environment and Climate Change of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. On June 7, 2017, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change "Paris Agreement" officially entered into force for Georgia. In accordance with the requirements of the Convention, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia has renewed the National Defined Contribution (NDC) document. Also, the 2030 Climate Change Strategy and the 2021–2023 Action Plan were developed, which provide a mechanism for coordinated planning and implementation of nationally targeted climate change mitigation goals. The document includes the analysis of seven sectors (energy generation and transmission, transport, buildings, industry, waste, agriculture, forestry sector) and relevant measures.

At the meeting, Maia Tskhvaradze, a representative of the Climate Change Division, made a presentation, which discussed in detail both the documents and the comments received from the interested public.

The public hearing was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia  and other government agencies, members of environmental NGOs, and other stakeholders.

Before the public hearing, the action plan was prepared by the government of Georgia and other relevant agencies, which was developed in active cooperation with the sector stakeholders and was made public on December 3 for comments and opinions from the public. Based on the submitted comments and remarks, which are discussed within the competence of the relevant agencies, the final version of the edited and updated action plan will be published on the websites of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and the Eiec. 

Because of the epidemiological situation in the world, the public debate was held online.

Public hearings