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The Training on the use of sustainable procurement criteria for the prioritized products in Public Procurement was held

The Training on the use of sustainable procurement criteria for the prioritized products in Public Procurement was held

In order to facilitate the introduction of a sustainable public procurement system in Georgia, training on the use of sustainable procurement criteria for priority procurement objects was held. The aim of the training is to introduce the representatives of the procuring organizations to sustainable public procurement and its benefits, as well as to the legal provisions and recommendations prepared for its implementation.

Sustainable public procurement is the process by which procuring entities conduct public procurement of goods and services in order to achieve cost-effectiveness. It is important that the benefits are obtained with minimal damage to the environment. Sustainable public procurement aims to strike the right balance between the three components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

The training was organized by the EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the State Procurement Agency within the framework of the EU-funded program "EU4 Environment." The project aims to support Georgia in the development of sustainable public procurement as well as strengthen the capacity of the business sector and government agencies for its effective implementation and functioning.

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