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კლიმატის ცვლილების 2030 წლის სტრატეგიასთან დაკავშირებით კომენტარებისა და წინადადებების მიღება

კლიმატის ცვლილების 2030 წლის სტრატეგიასთან დაკავშირებით კომენტარებისა და წინადადებების მიღება

The UN Framework Convention on the Paris "Agreement" officially entered into force for Georgia on June 7, 2017.In accordance with the requirements of the Convention, Georgia has updated its national contribution document, as well as developed the 2030 Climate Change Strategy and the 2021–2023 Action Plan, which are mechanisms for planning and implementing coordinated efforts to achieve nationally targeted climate change mitigation goals. The document includes the analysis of seven sectors (energy generation and transmission, transport, buildings, industry, waste, agriculture, forestry sector) and relevant measures.

The documents have been prepared in consultation with sectoral stakeholders through the work of sectoral technical working groups and with active cooperation with members of these groups.
Receipt of comments and suggestions is scheduled for December 14 of the current year. Please send comments by e-mail to or 

Information about the public hearing will be posted later.


Georgia Climate Change Strategy 2030

Georgia 2030 Climate Change Strategy Action Plan 2021-2023 

Public hearings