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Public hearings

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In the city of Rustavi, the administrative proceedings on the EIA account of changing the conditions of operation of the ferroalloys enterprise of "Ferro Alloy Production" LLC and the arrangement and operation of an additional technological line (agglomeration enterprise) in the enterprise were terminated

Kvemo Kartli, Rustavi, City Rustavi, Rustavi, Kvemo Kartli, Rustavi City, Rustavi City

The administrative proceedings on the EIA account of the change in the operations of the Ferro Alloy Production LLC ferroalloys enterprise in the city of Rustavi and the arrangement and operation of an additional technological line (agglomeration enterprise) in the enterprise were stopped by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia due to the deficiencies identified at the stage of the administrative proceedings. As a result, the scheduled public hearing for discussing the EIA report was canceled for April 29, 2022, at 12:00 in the city of Rustavi, in the building of the administrative unit of City Hall.