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Concept of Long-term low-emission development in Georgia

Tbilisi, Tbilisi, City Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Tbilisi, city Tbilisi, through the Zoom platform

The "Paris Agreement" of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change officially entered into force for Georgia, on June 7, 2017. The mentioned agreement is considered to be the beginning of a new stage in global climate change policy, the main goal of which is to significantly reduce the risks associated with climate change and the negative impact on economic sectors by significantly reducing the negative impact, limiting the increase in global average temperature to 2 °C, and/or trying to limit it to an additional 1.5 °C.

Countries are required by the Paris Agreement to create long-term plans for low-emission development. Georgia has created a long-term vision for low-emission development in line with the Paris Agreement. The idea offers a vision for the year 2050 based on forecasts of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from sectors that emit and absorb greenhouse gases. It also outlines the range of expected national emissions and removal rates.

As part of the public discussions on the mentioned document, opinions and comments were received from stakeholders, taking into account the corrections to the document.

The public discussion of the final version of the Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) will be held in a virtual format on December 13 this year at 11:00.

Meeting link: