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Public hearings

  • Date of publication
  • Written opinions
  • Public hearing

Construction and operation of "Mulkhura HPP" with a capacity of 45.0 MW on the Mulkhura River by "IG Energy" LLC

Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti, Mestia, Latali Community, Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti, Mestia municipality, Latali community

Construction and operation of "Mulkhura HPP" with a capacity of 45.0 MW on the Mulkhura River by "IG Energy" LLC

The comments and opinions related to the scoping report for the planned activity require submission in writing to the National Agency for the Environment of the LEPL by July 21, 2023.

See the statement for detailed information. On the link:

In addition, we inform you that on July 4, 2023, IG Energy Ltd. submitted to the agency application N6194, according to which the company requests to hold public hearings on July 20–21, 2023

The public discussion of the scoping report on the planned activity will be held:
1. On July 20, 2023, at 12:00, address: Mestia Municipality City Hall building.

2. On July 20, 2023, at 15:00. address: Lenjer Community First Public School Building.

3. On July 21, 2023, at 11:00. address: Latali Community House of Culture building.