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Public hearings

  • Date of publication
  • Written opinions
  • Public hearing

LLC Pirveli in Gori municipality, 110 MW wind power plant, and 220/35 sq. m. substation construction-operation project

Shida Kartli, Gori, Village Kvakhvreli, Shida Kartli, Gori, Kvakhvreli Village, Kvakhvreli public school building

The EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia publishes the scoping report of the planned activity:
in Gori Municipality, a 110 MW wind power plant, and a 220/35 sq. m. substation construction-operation project.
The comments and opinions related to the scoping report of the planned activity require submission in writing to the National Environmental Agency until August 25, 2023, at the address: Tbilisi, Marshall Gelovani Ave. N6, or by e-mail To the mail address:

For detailed information, see the environmental assessment portal at
The public review of the scoping report of the planned activities will be held:
• On August 23, 2023, at 11:00 in the village of Gori Municipality. Shavshshvebi administration building

• On August 23, 2023, at 14:30 in the village of Gori municipality. Village of Zeghduleti

• On August 24, 2023, at 12:00 in the village of Gori Municipality. Burbuck Public School Building

• On August 24, 2023, at 15:30, in the village of Gori municipality. Kvakhvreli public school building

The public discussion is open; any public representative has the right to take part in it as well as to submit comments and opinions.