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Public hearings

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Public Hearing on the Draft Fourth National Environmental Action Program of Georgia (NEAP 4)

Tbilisi, Tbilisi, City Tbilisi,

In coordination with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Sweden, in accordance with the Rules of Policy Development, Monitoring, and Evaluation approved by the Government of Georgia on 20.12.2019, the Environmental Action Plan for Georgia 2022-2026 The draft of the Fourth National Program (NEAP 4), the public (online) discussion of which is scheduled for April 18, this year, at 11:00.

Comments and opinions  on the draft of the Fourth National Program of Environmental Action of Georgia for 2022-2026  (NEAP 4) can be submitted no later than April 10, 2022. The contact person for this issue is Genadi Jangidze, Deputy Head of the Policy Coordination and Analysis Department of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. 

Participation in the public hearing is possible through the ZOOM platform at the following link:  (Meeting ID: 880 7058 3688).

The Georgian National Environmental Action Program is the country's main strategic document in the field of environment and natural resource protection, defining the field's long-term strategic priorities as well as the relevant action plan.The elaboration of the National Environmental Action Plan is conditioned by the legislation of Georgia and the international obligations undertaken by the country. In particular, the Law of Georgia on Environmental Protection requires the development and implementation of a national program of environmental actions on a regular, five-year period. Also, in accordance with Article 304 of the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union, cooperation, among other issues, provides for the periodic elaboration, updating, and approval of the National Environmental Action Program in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.