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Public hearing of the 2024–2025 action plan of the 2030 climate change strategy of Georgia

Public hearing of the 2024–2025 action plan of the 2030 climate change strategy of Georgia


As you are aware, in order to meet the objectives outlined in the aforementioned document—which represented planning and coordinated efforts to meet the goals set at the national level in the direction of climate change mitigation and implementation mechanisms—Georgia updated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2021 and developed its 2030 Climate Change Strategy and 2021–2023 Action Plan.

This time, the action plan was updated, in which the measures planned for 2024–2025 in 7 sectors of the economy (energy generation and transmission, transport, buildings, industry, waste, agriculture, and the forestry sector) were written.

The public review of the 2024–2025 action plan of the 2030 climate change strategy of Georgia will be held on December 12 of the current year.

Comments and suggestions about the document should be submitted by December 8 of the current year to the following e-mail address:

More information about the public hearing will be released later. 


Public hearings