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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

Adapted for people with disabilities


In 2005 the environment protection inspection was established at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, which was considered one of the most important events in environment protection field. Pursuant to 2011 legislative change, the said entity was canceled and its functions redistributed to other agencies. As a result of 2013 reorganization new state control body – a state sub-departmental institution – was established within the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, which is entrusted with implementation of state control over environment protection and use of natural resources on the whole territory of Georgia, including its territorial waters, the continental shelf and special economic zone. The sphere of its activities is the protection of air, water, soil, subsoil and biodiversity, the monitoring of implementation of forest legislation, control the compliance with the terms of licenses and permits for the use of natural resources, waste-management and chemical security, and environment protection. 

A hotline – 153
To provide timely information about violations and responses to it round-the-clock telephone service was established.

The results of the inspection of the State Sub-Agency Department of Environmental Supervision and court decisions can be found at the link 

Public hearings