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Public discussion of the draught national report on the state of the environment for 2018–2021

Public discussion of the draught national report on the state of the environment for 2018–2021

A public discussion of the draught national report on the state of the environment for 2018–2021 will be held at the Holiday Inn Tbilisi hotel on July 21 of this year at 11:00 (26 May Square N1).

The draught of the national report was prepared by the Ministry of Environment, Protection, and Agriculture of Georgia with the involvement of other government agencies.  The report is a document that compiles all available data about Georgia's environmental situation. It is created once every four years with the intention of educating the general population.

In addition, in parallel with the development of the national report on the state of the environment for 2018–2021, a draught of the document and an explanatory card on the amendment to Resolution No. 337 of the Government of Georgia dated May 6, 2014 "On the approval of the procedure for drawing up a national report on the state of the environment".

If you have comments and suggestions regarding the project's changes, please submit your comments by July 17 to the Sustainable Development Division of the Department of Environment and Climate Change under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia at the following e-mail address: in the mail:

Public hearings